The Higgins Bedford reopened on 21st June 2013 following a major redevelopment project.
The pictures below show some of milestones and changes along the way.

Visitors arrive on 21st June 2013

Settlement, 2013

Preparing for reopening, spring 2013
Design, 2013

Celebrating 'topping out', the completion of building work in July 2012

The courtyard under reconstruction in 2010.
The Higgins unites two previously separate organisations, Cecil Higgins Art Gallery and Bedford Museum. Both organisations were in need of updating. Joining the two buildings has had a ‘tardis-like’ effect, increasing the space for temporary and touring exhibitions as well as making more room for permanent displays. The Higgins Bedford now boasts excellent facilities for schools, space for workshops and talks and improved facilities for visitors. The Higgins Bedford has been transformed to feature new exhibition galleries, and will offer a full and varied programme of special exhibitions, events and learning activities.
The redevelopment project has been made possible by £3.2 million funding from Bedford Borough Council, as well as a grant of £959,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund, £100,000 from the Trustees of the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery, £500,000 from the Wixamtree Trust, £500,000 from the Harpur Trust, £350,000 from the Monument Trust, and £200,000 from Charles Wells Ltd, in addition to funding from a number of other sources.
Bedford Borough Council would like to extend its grateful thanks to the following organisations, groups and individuals who so generously supported the redevelopment of The Higgins Bedford. We would also like to thank our anonymous donors.
The Heritage Lottery Fund

The Harpur Trust
The Wixamtree Trust
The Monument Trust
Charles Wells Ltd
Trustees of the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery
The Frank Branston Charitable Trust
The Garfield Weston Foundation
The Gale Family Charity Trust
The Finnis Scott Foundation
Friends of The Higgins Bedford
Bedford Rotary Club
Bedford Castle Rotary Club
Charles Lousada DL
The Eranda Foundation
The Idlewild Trust
Kennedy Marr Ltd
Friends of the John Bunyan Museum & Library
Patrons of the Redevelopment
Mr & Mrs FC Minoprio
Elizabeth Skinner
Patricia & Robin Olney
C J R Kettler
Mr Paul Ross
Nicholas & Jane Turner
Richard Turner
Mr & Mrs C Ibbett
Mr & Mrs C Kilroy
Julian Polhill
Professor Ebdon CBE
Anthony & Sheila Ormerod
Lord & Lady Naseby
Nicholas & Josephine Marr
Gareth Woodfine
Lord & Lady Lyell
Hilary Guest & Geoffrey Herdman
Vaughan & Marilyn Southgate
Sir Samuel Whitbread KCVO & Lady Whitbread
David & Thelma Marks
Ann Hagen
Thomas Hagen
Sally Duberly
Judith Howard
Daniel & Celia Hanbury
David Fletcher
Jan Steel
Paul Liss
John Tusting
Richard Canvin
Chris Rogers
Peter Inskip
Bally Meeda
The Duke & Duchess of Bedford
Bronwen Crichton & Nic Davies
Marion Maule
Deborah & Christopher Radcliffe
Peyton Skipwith
J & P Whitton & D Partridge
Nick Kier, Lane Holmes
Patrick Hall
Richard Godber
Lady Skeet
Christopher Rogers
Lord Archer
Edward Reeves
Hon. Andrew Pym
David Oldrey
Oliver & Felicity Wells
Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire NADFAS
Fergus Higgins
Simon Reuben
Bequests and In Memoriam
Estate of Stephen Moore
Estate of Andrew Underwood
In memory of Michael March
In memory of Moira Roseveare
In memory of John Turner
June 2013