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Reminiscence Sessions

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Reminiscence Sessions


Remember When?… - Reminiscence Mornings at The Higgins Bedford

Reminiscence Mornings, Thursdays 11am – 12.30pm

Free Entry, Refreshments £1, No Need to Book


Join in with friendly and informal reminiscence coffee mornings. A great way to meet new people, be inspired by memories and stories of the past.


Break for January


13 February – Recipes and Remedies

Do you have a family recipe with a ‘secret’ ingredient? What were the best and worst foods you shared at home and at school? Which special foods had healing qualities? We would love to hear about them.


20 March – Gardening and Allotments

How does your garden grow? There are many private and public gardens that we all enjoy, come and share your favourite plants, flowers, produce and green spaces.