We Are Ten Anniversary Events
We Are Ten Anniversary Events
Wednesday 21st June
In addition to the We Are Ten exhibition, we also have tours and events throughout Wednesday 21st June, to celebrate 10 years of being The Higgins Bedford.

11:30am -12pm
Free, Booking Essential
Join guest artist Quilla Constance for a tour of her artwork.
12:30pm – 1pm
Free, Booking Essential
Join Keeper of Fine and Decorative Art, Victoria Partridge, for a tour of some of the highlights of the community Wixamtree Gallery.
Free, Booking Essential
Join Keeper of Social History, Lydia Saul, for a tour of the Richard Wildman collection of local scenes in the Connections Gallery.
To book please telephone the Cultural Services Box Office 01234 718044 - (line open Tuesday - Saturday 10am to 4pm)

Desiree Bashi Dance Workshop
3.30pm No need to book
Don’t miss out on this dance treat. Join us to enjoy a reading by the author Desiree Bashi of “Dancing with Your Eyes”, a magical and heart-warming picture book about Odissi Indian Dance. Followed by a special dance workshop; an interactive session inviting you to learn some Classical Indian Dance movement, hope to see you there.

Ananda Arts Odissi Indian Dance Display
4pm No need to book
Ananda Arts Odissi Indian dance students will perform and demonstrate this beautiful art form of traditional Indian dancing.

(c) Ananda Arts Odissi Indian Dancers